With Carbondale's Best and Exclusive Personal Training Programs
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A business focused on your results
High Performance Physiques is a personal training business specializing in body transformation, weight loss and performance. We are passionately driven and dedicated to helping and serving people just like you, to succeed in achieving their goals, through education, support, accountability, and coaching.
Hi, my name is Eric Bollock, and I own and operate High Performance Physiques in Carbondale, Colorado.
After spending over two decades in the gym, both personally and professionally, I’ve seen and heard it all. Unfortunately, most of what I’ve seen and heard hasn’t been positive. In fact, it’s pretty embarrassing. From inexperienced trainers to one size fits all solutions, I became tired of what I was seeing- hard working people throwing their time and money down the drain.
It got so bad that I became embarrassed to be known as a personal trainer myself. That’s when I knew I needed to create a fitness business that broke this mold. A business built on solid programming that utilized both science and real world experience to achieve results. Shortly after, High Performance Physiques was born.

Eric Bollock is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and Certified Personal Trainer with 22 years of professional experience training clients for body transformation, weight loss and athletic performance.
At High Performance Physiques, you receive education, coaching and guidance from experienced certified personal trainers who are experts at what they do and are deeply committed to you and the results you seek. We take accountability, motivation, and most importantly, producing real results, very seriously.
That’s why each client we work with receives the utmost attention, and fully customizable programs designed to help them reach their goals and maximize their progress.
That’s also why I no longer consider myself a personal trainer. I’m an educator, facilitator, motivator and coach. I’m an opportunity for you to succeed, a life preserver in an ocean of misinformation and confusion, because I give you the accountability, motivation and education you need to maximize success and smash through obstacles.
What we do
Follow the map to arrive at your destination
We provide you with thorough assessments, taking into account your desires, your body type, injury history, current capabilities, background, and much more, to create a bulletproof blueprint just for you. From there, we never stop assessing, never stop motivating, never stop educating and never stop holding you accountable to your goals.
At High Performance Physiques we are more interested in teaching you how to take care of yourself than we are taking care of you. In other words, we don’t want you to have to rely on us forever for your needs.
We are a facility and group of fitness professionals that are driven by results. Our number one priority is to get you the results you’ve hired us to get for you. We do this by holding each client accountable to the goals they’ve established with our help and guidance.
You’ll be coached through your training sessions by an expert fitness coach who not only has the education and professional experience, but also years of “in the trenches” real world experience training themselves and going through the exact same process you’re going through.
Tailored Programs to fit your needs
This option is ideal for the individual who feels like they need or would like a more personalized approach or have very specific goals that require additional programming and attention. Each member is coached one-on-one with the coach’s full and undivided attention. This approach allows the coach and member to drill down on the specific challenges and concerns of the member. This environment is absolutely the best way to maximize success. Additional Information
This option is ideal for the individual who understands the value of personal training with customized programs but also enjoys the group atmosphere. Members are coached in a small group of 4-6 members so that individual attention can still be given. Programs are customized for each member depending on their needs. Additional Information
This option is ideal for the experienced individual who is highly motivated to follow through with an exercise program on their own at a home or public gym. Additional Information
why we do it
Empowering people
We believe you should be comfortable with the way your body looks, and be proud of it. But we also feel that you should have a healthy, athletic, and durable body. A body that will allow you to enjoy, pain free, the sports or activities that you participate in – regardless of your age.
Clearing up the muddy waters
We believe that the generalized approach to fitness and performance that is used in most of the group fitness models today, although popular, is an inferior way to achieve focused and lasting results. And because of this, each one of our members is looked at as a unique individual that has a unique set of strengths, weakness, health concerns, and goals. And unique people, with specific goals, require customized approaches.
Success Stories
“I needed the accountability”
I joined High Performance Physiques 3 months following the birth of my son. During my pregnancy I had gained 55 pounds and was extremely frustrated that it did not “fall off” following delivery. I’ve always been conscious of my weight but never consistent in my workouts or dieting. I would occasionally reach my goal weight, but for the most part I continually hovered above the goal weight by about 6-8 pounds. Feeling a strong need to not be one of those women that never lost the baby weight, I joined HPP.
At first I was intimidated to join. I knew the expectations to succeed were going to be high and I knew that Eric was going hold me accountable for my behavior inside and outside of the gym. I tried another trainer and working out on my own, but the very thing that led me to be intimidated by HPP was what got me to come back…I needed the accountability.
Four months into my training with HPP I am stronger and leaner and have dipped below my pre-pregnancy weight. I look forward to my workout days at HPP and I continue my workouts outside of the gym as well. HPP has helped me set manageable, attainable goals and I look forward to my measurement days to monitor my progress.
I would highly recommend HPP to anyone that wants to achieve their goals. It won’t be easy, but you’ll enjoy the journey getting there.

A Fitness Consultation Is The Best Place To Start!